There is no single word used by all the Tuaregs to refer to their language. Instead each of the four major linguistic groups of Tuaregs have their own word for the language of all the Tuareg people.
- Tamajaq is the word used by the Tawallammat speaking Tuaregs to refer to the language of all the Tuareg.
- Tamajeq is the word used by Tayart speaking Tuaregs to refer to the language of all the Tuareg.
- Tamasheq is the word used by Tamasheq speaking Tuaregs to refer to the language of all the Tuareg.
- Tamahaq is the word used by Tahaggart speaking Tuaregs to refer to the language of all the Tuareg.
Now you might also ask, “What then is Tamashek?” but that’s a horse of a different color!